pakiri and goat island

After months of talking about going up north to visit Alexis's grandparents, we finally went over there last friday. So she and her boyfriend Mathew picked me up at 8 am outside of Nomads and then their friend Jake came along a little later. It took about an hour or so to drive to her grandparent's farm, and when we arrived, her grandparent's offered small pancakes with jam and butter. They were truly lovely and funny people! After chatting for a bit we decided to take a walk around the farm.
The horse-whisperer.
Pretty flowers
Said hello the calves as well.
Jake accidenyally stepped in some calve poo so the whole car smelled. When that was all washed off we drove over to Pakiri beach.
Truly an amazing beach, with shores reaching as far as the eye can see.
Tried this so many times and they finally succeeded!
We found a dead, creeepy fish.
After Pakiri we went to Goat Island, which despite what the name says, doesn't have any goats, nor is it an island. It's a marine reservation though! And a pretty one. Sadly we only saw one fish, since the bad weather had stirred up the water.
And that was that roadtrip!


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